Sample Business Use Cases


It’s estimated that over 1.7 billion websites exist. 4.5 billion people across the world contribute with online interactions. 5,76,000 New Websites Per Day are Launched. Lakhs of Micro Tasks are coming to optimize Search Engines.


There are between 2 million and 3 million e-commerce companies in the world. Market is estimated to touch 6.3 TRILLION U.S. Dollars by 2024. The Ecommerce Companies are adopting Artificial Intelligence in key areas like Chatbots and Virtual Assistants, Product Recommendations, Personalization and many more. These companies are posting micro tasks to empower their business with the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence.


News Categorizations allows Users to read articles of their interest. The amount of published news data is MASSIVE. News is available on different websites and classifying this news is a challenging problem, where MANUAL CATEGORIZATION IS NOT POSSIBLE. Natural Language Processing , a subfield of AI is used to collect news from various sources in TEXT format and then Classifying them into various categories. News Sites like Google NEWS are posting Micro Tasks to help them in their New Categorization from various sources.


For a Computer similar to an image , a VIDEO is also a DIGITAL DATA in a series of 0 and 1. A Computer does not understand the difference between a SONG or EDUCATIONAL Video. Most of the users search for VIDEOS on YouTube. YouTube CANNOT PLAY a VIDEO and then present results, instead it relies heavily on TEXT in the Form of VIDEO Description associated with the VIDEO to get relevant results. Lakhs of Micro Tasks are coming from YouTube to find relevance of Videos with respect to User Queries.


As a process, many times Employees have to Bear the Expenses first and then submit a Scanned Copy of the Bill to process the Claim. The Bills are MANUALLY VERIFIED by the Company Clerk. After manual verification, payments are then released by Company to Employees. Big Companies where Employees are more, face processing delays in Claims because it involves Manual Verification. Employees Have to Wait in a Long Queue to allow Clerk to Verify and Process Claims. SETTLEMENT TIMES HRS TO DAYS. The AI – Learning Model Is built using the technique of Image Annotation where specified portions of Several Bills are marked with Pre-Defined Labels by Humans. SETTLEMENT TIMES SECONDS.


Many Books of the World are still not Digitized where we have useful information written. It becomes difficult to search through thousands of books and find what we are looking for ?

Enterprises, Institutions or any large Organizations have built their knowledge over several years of their existence by recording it as books, journals/articles, documents, etc. Continuous access to this knowledge for its employees, students, teaching/research communities is essential for sustained operations. KM(Knowledge Management) tools in the market help to address this need to a certain extent by creating a knowledge repository of sorts and enabling access to it. KM tools require a document to be tagged (either manually or automatically) in order for it to be easily searchable by users.

Research scientists, research institutes who relentlessly contribute to the cutting edge work in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence for Natural Language Processing are the genies who are trying to make this possible via Chatbots.


With the Entire World now connected Via Digital Media we rely heavily on Text Messaging which could be Via a Chat or Email. Consider a Situation in Office where an Unprofessional Manager is writing a BAD OFFENSIVE Email to one of it’s Reportees which might Hurt the Emotions of the Reportee. How about an AI Computer program which makes AUTO CORRECTION to bad hurting sentences ? We will make AI Programs Learn Via Micro Task how ethical communication should look like.


A Computer does not have a HEART and does not understand the difference between “I LOVE YOU” & “I HATE YOU”

Human will teach Robots that there are Huge Emotions related to sentences via Micro Tasks


Humans are Fond of Talking and Chatting. With the World getting busy in their routine schedule, Humans find difficulty talking to their friends. How about talking to an AI Enabled BOT which just talks like a Human ? So we don’t need an ONLINE OR IN PERSON FRIEND to share our thoughts and speak out our heart. We will work on Micro Projects and teach a BOT, how to talk as HUMAN FRIEND.


Pharmaceutical waste can result from many activities and locations in a healthcare facility. If you have a compounding pharmacy on site, it generates drug waste. Anywhere medicines are employed can be the site of spills, half-used bottles, and IV equipment with residual medicine on it. Waste pharmaceuticals can pose a special treatment and management challenge. Large quantities kept at pharmacies, distribution centers, hospitals, etc. must be managed to minimize the risk of release or to exposure to workers and the public. How about an AI enabled CAMERA PROGRAM integrated with a ROBOT CLEANER which looks for waste in the manufacturing facility and cleans up. We will perform Image Annotation Micro Task so that Robot can clean properly.